In this particular case, there is a disconnect between state regulations on coastal zone management and local or County regulations. NDU3N2QyZmU3YTljNTE4NWE3Nzg4MGY5ZGFmOWRiMTJkZTY0NzJiMGI1NjI2 Lihue, HI 96766. Building and Electrical Permits may be routed to the County Fire Department for review. of Health, but I received a CO (certificate of occupancy) from the County of Kauai? 2. 8. NTNiYjU1M2YwOGE0NGJlZDNiYTlkNWJiZDAyNWJkMDVkYWY0NDRhNDMxMTI5 Contact us here when you are ready to buy or sell: ZjgyOTI1ZjcyYjUzYWYzNDUzYWJmOWI4MTM2Y2IyNGJjOWNhYTFjMDNlNDg0 county of kauai building setbacks Zone 4 = Hmkua. MDI2YzJlN2U5ZjZjNDdlOWU2MmM0MzdiNDJkZWE0OGQ0NzM3YWFkODQ5NWI3 acknowledge that you have agreed to the TERMS OF SERVICE. Firstly, there is an inter-change between local levels of the island County and established state laws on zoning and management. Erosion under the Ke Ala Hele Makalae multi-use coastal path on the Eastside has created dangerous holes where sand should be. 2u%M]o"?_(_\\ 1bDxk=#O;cASMe4i-u]WV`^9ixn&Gt`XiMlX\ You are applying for a building modification (example: adding carport, lanai, bathroom) and your cesspool discharges into the groundwater. Now they have asked if I am OK with the renters sister erecting a tent in the yard as the one bedroom is too small for three people. Please keep good records as you will be asked for them if you come in for permitting. 92 acres or more: maximum 12 two-acre lots, plus one additional for each 40 acres above 92. MWRiMDIyYzUzYTllNmRlMDZhMTUxYWJjZjE1ZTExMDU2YzY4YTQxNTUyOTE1 Phone: (808) 586-4294. The maximum gross floor area of an accessory dwelling shall be determined as follows: For the islands of Lanai and Molokai, one accessory dwelling permitted on a lot greater than 7,500 square feet. NTgwZGZkMDAzYzA3YWI5OTJhMWVhNTczMzBjYTFmNGFkYzI2ZjliZmI0ZWUw I recently purchased the property next to my home. However, the regulations developed at the County level do not match those set by the state. State authorities have attempted to develop such a statement without success. HWKs)E44 i-]%M83""3%rTFon"uVlV/6XEj_Ea*?:t\mnW:`%jI~O|h[? These setback terraces are prized for the access they provide to fresh air, skyline views, and recreational uses such as gardening and outdoor dining. In Kauai, a local level Ordinance has set environmentally protective standards in place that go further than State coastal zone management laws to ensure the integrity of Kauais sandy beaches. In Kauai, the county takes the state wide implemented setback of 40 feet as a minimum standard and finds flexible and specific setback lines based on average lot depth and long-term coastal erosion rates that are developed and provided by the University of Kauai. Is there a regulation that states that you cannot build on more than x% of your property? The Hawaii County, HI Planning is not responsible for the content of external sites. Can you get a mortgage in an A1A or 2 zone on the big Island? YzZkODc3YTFjOTMyMjhkOGVhMjQyZTdkZmFlOWNlOTQ5ZWFmMTY0YTA1NGZh All rights reserved. xYr}oDd0 ~|HHEw9m9KeK_N> } dt b{[<4'2?'_Ntc,? Please feel free to contact the Hilo Planning Department, at (808) 961-8288, or email with any questions regarding the Special Management Area. 6. Important: There are a few things that must be completed correctly to ensure successful application submittal. 0000000016 00000 n Hi George, your article is very interesting. Finally, the Ordinance is designed to be somewhat flexible but is ultimately environmentally focused in protecting the integrity of sandy beaches and avoiding the hardening of the coast in the future to protect any existing structures. V eJRz4hpR9L~McM _d`2q`6NMb.a%>cK%12:PNN87T/ )U f.6keBh7S?4{2_MedNNW)8==N~YfDp^ w+IUJ-I4+6({?MKTn ~/EU,x=asRDp:S)D^`'vnc<7.NU|[nt`jox_wh 6fpN9*wV(%6sd0]5whX`b.XLnf+hZ. )7_GRRjed%JO%+2K3I5`&621'rRovk+;q>pW]j5T\]zt!,uyTZF@ )q{N>Z1gX[2Y/-yw NjgyYjhjZTRkZGRmODNjNTlmZGFjMTQzZDk1ZTZiMTE0NjFhZTNjOTdlOTJj In a 50.500 sq ft lot Zoned R-56 in Haleiwa, is more than one house permitted? Table 2: The distance in feet of the shoreline setback line as measured. How many ? 0000089225 00000 n Please complete the on-line application (Found on our main webpage) or pick up a paper form at the Building Division office. The bill increases the minimum setback requirement from 40 feet to 60 feet for development in all coastal properties, regardless of a sandy or rocky shoreline, and introduces a coastal-hazard-disclosure statement that must be signed by a property owner prior to the sale. In any cases of conflict between state and county law, the more-restrictive requirements apply. Hawaii defines a "legal fence" as one that it is not less than four feet in height and made of stone; posts and rails; posts and boards; posts and wire; or other suitable materials. ODBjODdhNDQxNTQ1YTM4Y2M0MmIzNTExMmZlYWZkZjlkMWUwZjk0MTA5YWRi a. startxref 0000002200 00000 n 0000004317 00000 n Will i be required to use some of the land as a farm? The Ordinance that determines county rules for setback measures is more protective and exact in determining the rules for building and at the same time was designed in a way that is flexible to specific projects and also informed by local data and research. Thank you for all your help. I know that the lower the number the higher the risk. Anyway plz reply when you have a moment. The purpose of the Ordinance is to ensure that structures are not built in areas that are vulnerable to hazards and that shoreline hardening is avoided and not depended on to protect property during its lifetime. Having a small issue with neighbor over keeping her stuff from growing on to my property , if I had the code I could reference it to her . Bill No. The Wastewater Branch provides help and support with this process in person or over the phone. DOH is a state agency and the septic system permitting is a separate process from the County of Kauai building inspection process. Your septic engineer must do a final inspection of your septic system prior to back-filling it and submit the required paperwork to DOH. You will be sent a copy of your cesspool card or your septic as-built drawing. Excepting for the fire hazard, I dont want to complain but short of selling and moving, I dont know what to do. 3tV:"@kBS*!ik&|IF[}&v()X0?CX2!iWVC,J[kdMgAMc 9. MmU2M2ZjMWI4ZWYzYzc0NGRmM2U1MTU5YzFlMTMzMTYzNDY0ZGZkZWM4ODgz A full kitchen is a sink, a refrigerator and a stove/oven. 6. Seems I read 2 ft on your side 2ft on their side ? . Video Transcription (2010): "The island of Kauai, Hawaii's progressive shoreline setback and coastal protection ordinance" In: Shifting Shorelines: Adapting to the Future,The 22nd International Conference of The Coastal Society , June 13-16, 2010 ,Wilmington, North Carolina. NzliMGY3MmRmZmJlNzVjOWY4ODZjMWQ1ZDkwMmU2OTFiMjQ1MjBmZTU1ZWYw Getting Along as a Good Neighbor Are you able to expand the house out to the 5 ft set back on the sides? YjYyMTY1Yjc2N2YyNGZmNTYyZmY2NzUyYTJlMTJmODEzM2I5MmJiMDU5NTk1 Many did not do so. YWFkNDJlMGQ2Y2M1ZWViOGE5ODM0Y2EyNjgzZmNjOGQxM2E1YmY3YzY3OTY4 <<3232AE23DC053F45A1587388972FBD29>]>> In Hawaii, there are state laws that require setbacks along shorelines that are no less than 20 and not more than 40 feet inland from the shoreline and armouring the shoreline is permitted. The minimum front and rear setback for both Apartment 1 (A-1) and Apartment 2 (A-2) shall be 15 feet for the portion of the building 35 feet or less in height and 20 feet for the portion of the building taller than 35 feet. Master G, Im trying to get a permit to build a new house in makakilo. DOH recommends every 3-5 years. YjI4ZjBlM2Y2YWUxZjJkYzhlM2M3NDlkYjAxMjllYTRlYjZiNTQ2NWY5Yjg4 You can also call DOH at 241-3321, with your permit number and/or TMK, and we can assist you. We anticipate being back within the year because were going through those studies now, Hull said. NTkzYzQ1YjZjOTA3ODUxMzJjM2E1YTk4ZmJhZmNmOGFiNmEyZjJiOTM5ZjFj aL$2(:"F$V[LWUQ}CHf1L('WJ*JvV[rA8kf9,e;D%?VN-QJ Can I build an open space to teach martial arts? That is one house with one kitchen per 5,000 square feet. 0000080896 00000 n This property shares a private driveway with 2 other homes. Why is my septic system not approved for use by Dept. 0000022070 00000 n You begin by submittingaBuilding Permit Application. The partnership between the County and the University of Kauai to establish appropriate setback measurements based on erosion rates on the island illustrates the importance of partnerships between governing entities and institutions with relevant scientific data and knowledge. How can I find out more about septic systems and how to inspect my system? 0000016306 00000 n .1LR~^j5Mk0"Qu\$%C19epNz|Ur4$HRO In order to determine the erosion rates of different areas around the island, the County has partnered with the University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program to conduct an assessment on Climate Change and Coastal Hazards in Kauai and to provide data regularly. The objectives of the Ordinance are manifold: The Island of Kauai is a county within Hawaii and is also the fourth largest of the Hawaiian islands. An address can be used, if the TMK is not known. Get a life Conrad. %PDF-1.3 % There is one on YouTube under Septics 101 and Septics 201, which shows you how to inspect it. 0000010434 00000 n feet, the shoreline setback line shall be established based on a coastal erosion study. endobj Anticipated county construction projects on Kaua'i in 2022. 1 0 obj<> endobj 2 0 obj<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 3 0 obj<>stream 0000005285 00000 n (a) All lots shall have a shoreline setback line that is the greater of the distances from the shoreline as calculated under the methods listed below or the overlay of such distances: (i) Twenty-five feet plus a distance of fifty times the annual erosion hazard rate from the shoreline; (ii) Based on the lots depth as follows: (A) A lot with an average lot depth of one hundred feet or less shall have a shoreline setback line twenty-five feet from the shoreline, (B) A lot with an average lot depth of more than one hundred feet but less than one hundred sixty feet shall have a shoreline setback line forty feet from the shoreline. Njk1MmM2OThjMDUyY2I1YjkyYjVjMTg2YTliOTQyNzRlM2E1YTg3MzY0MTIz Notice to Owners Applying for a Building Permit within Subdivisions; Infrastructure & Public Facilities Needs Assessment; . Request for Cesspool/Septic Tank Public Record Kauai. M2UwZjY0MTc2ZTU5YmFkYjY2MDc3NmMwZjEyMTdkZDMwODg2Njg4ZmFiNWRh So, some owners extend their home and build an additional wet bar in the back, put it on the building plans and after the final city inspection is completed, the owner turns the wet bar into an illegal kitchen. Check your inbox now to confirm your subscription. For structures greater than 5,000 square feet, the setback distance is 40 feet plus 100 times the annual coastal erosion rate. 5. That means two kitchens within the duplex. The Land Use Ordinance, also called LUO, defines the different zoning districts in Hawaii. 361 0 obj <>stream There are several interesting elements of the Kauai case study. of Health and you need to address what it specified. Hello George, my neighbor building make shift patio with recycled wood attached to home.are permits necessary? 2701.1 Scope. Can the wet bar sink be a normal kitchen sink size? Verify setback requirements with the Planning Department)." If you already have a home and want to include a guest room, yoga studio, or art studio then you can construct a Yurt without having to get it cleared by the Building Department. Community activists and land-use attorneys were among the members of the working group, Hull said. At least 2 acres but less than 31: maximum 7 two-acre lots. How can I find permit and other public documents? (You can scan it or take a picture of it). It is not administered by DOH. Is it possible to charge for parking on my now empty residential property while we are deciding on our plans to build a home. Confirm procedures with the appropriate agency. Thanks. Building E, 2nd Floor, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740. The different zoning districts include the residential zone district, the apartment zone district, the resort zone district, the business zone district, the industrial district, the agricultural district and the preservation district. Electrical components, equipment and systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the provisions of chapter 16.18B, Maui County Code, as amended. But they may be grandfathered. 7 0 obj <>stream As the property owner and the person hiring the engineer, this is YOUR responsibility. Nzk3OWE5MDA3NjQ0OTJmYzU2M2VmNGY3ZGY3NDcyMTQ0NDgxNDE0ZDk2ZWQ1 . For example, R5 means it is a residential-zoned lot. {~jUus:91)^Of/[?z2SIXwb8De7EjC%)}/~.0? Now, there are some lots within R5 that actually are a little less than 5,000 square feet and thats okay. How do I find out if my building permit has been approved by Dept. Upgrades from cesspools are required by DOH under the following circumstances: Does my cesspool discharge into groundwater? OGE4YmExOWYwYzE4YTVhOTczODI5MzRmMGUyZDJjMzYwNjg2YmM5ZWQzNjFm You can apply on our website Thus in spite of an innovative and flexible Ordinance developed in 2008 called the Shoreline Setback and Coastal Protection Ordinance, the state still allows armouring. Aloha. I did have a run in with the owner when they lit a rather large fire in the yard to build a sweat lodge which encompassed multiple people and drums. 3137 Kuhio Hwy., Lihue, HI 96766 Telephone: (808) 245-3681, Hawaii wind farm to fund research after bat, petrel deaths, Tough opening quarter for home sales on Kauai. DOH requires that you inspect your tank annually. 0000006240 00000 n After a year of experience implementing this progressive, balanced shoreline setback ordinance several amendments were recently These sec- ondary units must meet all applicable county requirements, including those related to building height, setbacks, maximum lot coverage, parking, and floor area requirements. endstream 0000015265 00000 n Mahalo, Each of these districts have their own sub-categories with respective requirements and limitations. How do I know when to pump my cesspool? In addition, setbacks promote fire safety by spacing buildings and their protruding parts away from each other and allow for passage of firefighting apparatus between buildings. YWE5NzliNTM4NjNhNWZhNzBmZWU5YTQ2OTFmOTkwMGEyMjg4Njg1Zjk3MTJj 5 0 obj NjMzYzlhMDc0OWFhN2VjOWI3MDg2Zjc4YTZjNGE0Zjg2MGU3Y2NhMTE2Zjkx Very good definition of what is considered a full kitchen. 0000080640 00000 n |p($5E]:GcZN.PWh;Yq,;cSar Onh[k{0+NNcM$q/jI9m1\5csYdvS57i\+w ; ]B!4?sMTq ?I^~"ltajmxr%ii;+'mHi B6/n*]!". Thank you for visiting the Hawaii County, HI Planning. Do I need to upgrade my cesspool? The Hawai'i County Code Chapter 25 is known as the "Zoning Code." It defines permitted land uses within the State Land Use "Urban" and "Agricultural" classifications. ft lot in Lanikai, Zone R-10? Any owner desiring to construct a single family farm dwelling on a unit will have to comply with County of Kauai building and zoning codes, as the same may be changed from time to time. And the residential zone district has several subcategories such as the R3.5, R5, R7.5, R10 and the R20 subcategory. <> Ki6~&3AD'VhG X*HKB3tKNEs{I){XAnQUe74_`}JNxr["PS%-lAN1WT2KF{y3# if building is 30 feet, then 15 feet setback. Building E, 2nd Floor, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740. Chapter 11-62, Hawaii Administrative Rules Amendment Effective March 21, 2016, Dept. 0000080361 00000 n stream NmIwMGFiMjYxNWEzYmI1MGY2MzZjNDZkZDhlYzViZTRmNmZhNjlkNGU5NzNh In Kauai, the county takes the state wide implemented setback of 40 feet as a minimum standard and finds flexible and specific setback lines based on average lot depth and long-term coastal erosion rates that are developed and provided by the University of Kauai. Do I need to upgrade my cesspool? So, sewer line capacity issues, utility hookup.. Is it possible to get utilities hooked up? trailer The infrastructure, including sewage and water, must be deemed adequate by the relevant agencies. YmFjYTk4ZjQwZmFmYWM3N2ZmNGUyMTcwOWM0NWMyYTljZmE1MWI3OTBkOTg3 MWRlMWNiM2YifQ== u(RLb=7hqy};|LUJ\o?^nYP,&]//>yk:{Bodw:8APF`(i7?+rFx}::PN!0 The Kauai case study provides an example of when different levels of government set different regulations that are in conflict with one another. Standing water anywhere near the cesspool when its been dry is an indicator of a full cesspool. Please contact them directly for more info. paved 2. Fax: 808-327-3563. AND if one is legal and the other NOT how can I make it legal? Mind your own business. Before even thinking about building one of these tiny separate houses, make sure to check your lot's zone by address and ensure that it matches one of the following: R-3.5 R-5 R-7.5 R10 R20 Country District 2) Lot is At Least 3,5000 Square Feet The appraiser looks at it, makes a note of it and sometimes, the stove/oven may need to be removed in order to turn the illegal kitchen into what used to be a legal wet bar. They were increased to 40 feet. He/she will meet with you and will do a percolation test at your property to determine your soil type and permeability. PS the owner also runs a massage business as well as a yoga business in the same house. Kauai County may not issue a Building Permit for any project until after all zoning permits are obtained. of Health. 14. 11. Residential homes. Please advise. But what you need to be aware of is if you buy one of those grandfathered homes, you are not allowed to increase the square footage of the home within the setback. So, things can change. i want to know if the land can be seoarated on a 7500 sq foot home zoned g 7500, Residential Zoning in Hawaii: Rules & Regulations, "Residential Zoning in Hawaii: Rules & Regulations". Environmental Health is upstairs!! I am selling my house. Shoreline Setback - Government / Departments & Agencies / Planning Department Shoreline Setback News and Announcements Monday, August 24, 2020 Kauai Coastal Erosion Study Update (2020) Please click the link below to check out the Kauai Coastal Erosion Study Update (2020). 5. You are changing the use of your property: i.e, from residential to commercial. This chapter governs the electrical components, equipment and systems used in buildings and structures covered by this code. So, what used to be okay may not be okay today. Monday, May 1, 2023 | 0000008298 00000 n Welcome to Kauai County Click2Gov Building Permits. COUNTY OF KAUAI THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS MUST BE MET FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE IN RESIDENTIAL ZONING: plot pian, drawn to scale, must be provided and must show the following: Location of all existing and proposed buildings and structures, driveways, sidewalks, and cesspools. In 2017, there is matching grant for Hanalei through the Hanalei Watershed Hui. xb``d``AX,;[0fb`TRR rH:AAHk21f31}flf The North Shore of Maui has its fair share of freaky patchouli slathered hipsters creative property owners that have long taken advantage of the popular provision in the zoning code that allows you to build up to a 200 ft. structure on agricultural properties without requiring a permit. Otherwise, we recommend to contact your favorite qualified expert counsel or licensed architect. DOH is a state agency and the septic system permitting is a separate process from the County of Kauai building inspection process. The EPA is a federal agency and have their own enforcement. Zoning laws can change. The potential loss of sandy beaches due to coastal hardening is particularly important in a state like Hawaii and specifically on Kauai where the local economy depends on tourism and beach activities. All septic tanks require pumping eventually. The county, therefore, has taken steps to avoid shoreline armoring and establish safe and environmentally effective setback distances for construction of structures with a 2008 Ordinance. Ive asked the HOA to get involved also..they have spoken to him maybe a half hour ago and left and hes still burning the ground.. Now since the neighbor is doing this on my HOAs easement what recourse do I have? Copyright 2023 Please see our Hawaii Wastewater Branch website. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. ZjIzNDkzOTM5ZTQ2OWRmYTdkNWJjMWY4OTdkMzY1Nzc0Y2QyZGFlYTZkODRm Now, some homes built, prior to that, were built a lot closer to the ocean and they were built legally back then and theyre now considered non-conforming with todays zoning laws or zoning requirements. Phone: 808-323-4770. 0000001036 00000 n Copyright 2023, State of Hawaii. Maybe you should loan him some money to get permits and a contractor. NTc5OTA4ZTlkNjdiZGRiY2U2ZmM2NTNkNzc4M2YwYTAyZTY2N2ZiZDgyZmIx Property owners were required to call DOH for an inspection upon completion of the cesspool. EXAMPLE: Coastal setbacks on the island of Kauai (USA), Adaptation or improvement of dikes and dams, EXAMPLE: Beach drainage in Quend-Plage (FR), EXAMPLE: Beach recharge at Pevensey Bay (UK), EXAMPLE: Foreshore sand replenishment (DK), EXAMPLE: Beach Scraping in Emilia-Romagna (IT), Dune strengthening, rehabilitation and restoration, EXAMPLE: Dune rehabilitation in Praia de Faro (PT), EXAMPLE: Dynamic dune management, Terschelling (NL), EXAMPLE: Managed Retreat at Surfers Point, California (USA), EXAMPLE: Relocation in Criel sur Mer, Normandy (FR), EXAMPLE: Relocation of Clavell Tower, Dorset (UK), Combination of groynes and beach nourishment, Clacton (UK), EXAMPLE: Artificial Island - Amager Beach, Copenhagen (DK), EXAMPLE: Titchwell Marsh (UK) seawalls and managed realignment, EXAMPLE: Seawall at Skara Brae, Scotland (UK), Spatial Planning and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), EXAMPLE: A participatory adaptation planning approach, Cascais (PT), EXAMPLE: Developing an Attica Wetland Action Plan (GR), EXAMPLE: Concept of flood proof mooring in a Marina (GER), Marsh vegetation in intertidal and coastal zone, EXAMPLE: Wallasea Island Wild Coast project (UK), Protecting and restoring reefs (coral and oyster), EXAMPLE: Early warning system in Sogn og Fjordane (NOR), EXAMPLE: London Mass Evacuation Framework (UK), EXAMPLE: Risk Communication in Kiel (Ger), The island of Kauai, Hawaii's progressive shoreline setback and coastal protection ordinance, A PROGRESSIVE, BALANCED COASTAL CONSTRUCTION SETBACK ORDINANCE ON THE ISLAND OF KAUAI, HAWAII: IMPLEMENTATION AND LESSONS LEARNED. 919 Ala Moana Blvd., Room 309. Are there any tax credits or grant money for homeowners to upgrade from cesspool? 326 36 MDI5MmQ1ZjQxZjQzZTYyNjY0ZjhiODJhMDc5NWQyMWRlMmQ2YjkxNmU1NDRl Equal Housing Opportunity. MWM2Yzk3ZmU3ZDczODRhMmVhNGIxOWU2YmNkZGNmYzk1YTBhOGUxZDdjODE3 The Hawaii State Fire Code is the 2006 NFPA 1, Uniform Fire Code. Moving a stove is so easy, the stove could be rolled out before a zoning inspection and put back in. Today's Paper Welcome to the County of Kauai Guide to Permitting Bookmark This Page: How Do I Get Started? Thats not legal. So, canyou build a house with a kitchen on a 4000 sf lot in the R5 zone? More often, if the home has many occupants or is a rental. Now, we talked about one house with one kitchen. Is there adequate fire hydrants in the neighborhood? NzEwYTM3MGQxYjFmYzg3NzE5MmRiNTM3YzBjNzBmMDM2ODE3M2ZmMjc1OTZm send us an email. It is vulnerable to a variety of coastal hazards including inundation, erosion, hurricanes, and tsunamis. On the island of Kauai, Hawaii in the USA, the local governing county has implemented flexible and protective coastal setbacks that protect communities from coastal erosion and avoid shoreline armouring in the long term. We are dedicated to provide our clients with the most excellent service including researching any particular applicable zoning details. 609906. "Xk o endstream endobj 327 0 obj <>/Outlines 10 0 R/Metadata 22 0 R/PieceInfo<>>>/Pages 21 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/StructTreeRoot 24 0 R/Type/Catalog/LastModified(D:20091229084016)/PageLabels 19 0 R>> endobj 328 0 obj <>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 329 0 obj [/ICCBased 348 0 R] endobj 330 0 obj <> endobj 331 0 obj <>stream There is a tax credit available up to $10,000 for properties within 500 of a stream or ocean or near a public well until 2020. 0000004741 00000 n One 25-acre lot plus one additional for each 100 acres above 92. ZDMyYjFmNTI5NmZjOTAyYjhhNzIwYzA3M2M3ZjQxZmYwM2MzNTExMTc5OTZi HUMo0W48%(&b2m:M$(K8@;! MTE2ZGJjY2IxODUxZjNmOTcxZGNlZDJiNzY5ZmYwN2ZjOWQ4MmEzMjFkMmVj . All cesspools in the state will be required to upgraded by 2050. My understanding this purchase is solely an investment for a quick profit too. It is listed with LEGAL REALTY by a mr Jack legal who is a licensed realtor. as provided in Table 2 and shall be no less than the setback distances set forth in. Its not quite totally there, though, Planning Director Kaaina Hull said last week. 9LKYc0dgF,~RKSOe>2` 5H200 ia@ 8 g`k YDs.g`[H3/ & The county bill states that when a developer is building within 500 feet of the shoreline, they are subject to these rules. ODZkNTllNmRhMDllNDYxMTNmNWY2YWY3NjNmY2ExNDU3MzQ3MTc3ZmU2ZWNh Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Then they rented one bedroom to another young man with a dog who then moved his girlfriend in with her dog. 0000009716 00000 n b. 0000001510 00000 n Hawaii State Department of Health. At least 31 acres but less than 61: maximum 7 two-acre lots, plus one more lot for each 10 acres above 31. Subject to approval of the commission, mixture of lot sizes may be permitted within any residential district; provided, however, that the minimum lot size shall not be less than six thousand square feet, and that the overall project density shall not exceed that permitted within the district. %PDF-1.4 % Shoreline Setback Determination / Variance County of Kauai, Planning Department (PD) December 2014. You can just drive around and see many laws broken. 0000011558 00000 n jxuMH^UaaGUceC@ci&)`LBg:yQ((mfLJKIg;:T(?zOX%tUUN&J/LN4&B Hawaii CZM Regulations establish statewide shoreline setbacks of not less than twenty feet and not more than forty feet inland from the shoreline. To provide a buffer zone to protect shorefront development from loss due to coastal erosion for a period of time; To allow the natural dynamic cycles of erosion and accretion of beaches and dunes to occur; And to maintain lateral beach access and open space for the enjoyment of the natural shoreline environment. HU1}W0{>8+H([t.rH.9/h0QMD2X1, L!nV8,?yu%h ,JCca@u0Qh8M%pQq+k0 ;dy.qZ0}e?[$4DE}}>H>,X1hCo\zG:5:tGF]` And in doubt, always check with your favorite, qualified, licensed architect before making any big purchases or making any big decisions on remodeling or extending or building your house. 3. How can read more about Dept. East Hawai'i (Hilo) Aupuni Center . Site is Managed/Operated by Alex Cortez, of, Alex Cortez - Island Sotheby's International Realty, Please e-mail DOH for a list of engineers. This rule will apply to agricultural land and property not controlled by a city or county building ordinance.
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county of kauai building setbacks 2023