Are Legislations Good or Bad for Open Source?
Governments around the globe have been recognizing that open source code is a core dependency in every modern software solution. Whether or not it is a good thing that is still a question. But one thing is for sure, if you are involved in an open source project or selling a product or service that
Are Legislations Good or Bad for Open Source? Read More »
On this week’s show, Michelle and Chris are joined once again by OpenUK CEO Amanda Brock to talk new agendas for Open with new governments, remote working, diversity and AI in the Open Source world. PUBLISHED BY BALLANTINE70 Matt has spent the past two decades helping organisations to make sense of where technology, media, content and people collide. He
Bridging the hardware and software gap to optimize HPC
Whilst HPC and AI have become core to modern data center strategy, do we really understand what’s happening when it comes to the workloads? Despite huge technological headway having been made when it comes to computing, a rift still exists between the hardware and software layers. The question remains: how do we bridge this gap
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UK Government AI and Open Source Announcements
The UK AI Safety Institute released its AI Safety Testing Platform as open source on an MIT licence and CEO, Amanda Brock discusses why open sourcing the platform is a canny move, and considers the difference between using a tech tool and legislation to solve a digital challenge in this podcast with Richard Simon
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Navigating Open Source Talent, AI & Policy Challenges with Amanda Brock
What is your #genai #risktolerance? #policy #regulation #shorts #podcast #opensourcedata We see a continued debate discussing if we need to redefine policy, regulation, openness now that we have GenAI. Risk isn’t necessarily bad, hear from Amanda Brock of OpenUK on understanding Risk Tolerance and watch to the full interview. Amanda Brock’s path began with picking potatoes at 8 years old. Now, she’s the CEO of OpenUK,
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Will opening AI destroy open source software?
Keynote at The DEVOPS Conference Global – London, on March 2024. Nobody can escape AI. It has those concerned with existential risk in a tizzy and the rest of the world working out how it will impact our jobs and businesses. All difficult to work out without actually understanding what AI is capable of and
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My Favourite Failure: Losing £500k on an event that should’ve been the start of my new career – Amanda Brock
Amanda Brock, the CEO of Open UK, took a decade too long to jump from her legal career to what she really craved – the frenzy of entrepreneurship. She stayed in law too long because she’d experienced a sobering failure years ago – running an event which lost half a million pounds. What happened? Hosted
Geeking Out: Overtime with Amanda Brock
Amanda Brock’s passion for #opensource led her to organize #StateOfOpenCon. Adriana Villela geeks out with Amanda for this special bonus edition of the podcast, as Amanda talks about what it takes to organize a tech conference (2 years in a row!), and what makes this conference special!
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Open Source AI and the Llama 2 Kerfuffle
The definition of open source is being challenged in the age of AI. Three experts join the conversation to discuss what needs to evolve. Erica Brescia, a managing director at Redpoint Ventures, and Steven Vaughan-Nichols, founder of Open Source Watch, joined the discussion with Amanda Brock, CEO of OpenUK. Hosted by The New Stack
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