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Amanda Brock, OpenUK CEO, interview about Open Source technology, IP protection, and the OpenUK Kids Competition collaboration with Imogen Heap on the wb40 podcast.

On this week’s show we talk with OpenUK CEO Amanda Brock about Open Source technology, IP protection, and a fascinating education collaboration with Imogen Heap to spread the word about Open approaches.

Amanda Brock, OpenUK CEO, interview about Open Source technology, IP protection, and the OpenUK Kids Competition collaboration with Imogen Heap on the wb40 podcast. Read More »

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Linux desktop org GNOME Foundation settles lawsuit with patent troll

Shotwell case ends with Rothschild Patent Imaging backing off for good Updated The GNOME Foundation has settled a US lawsuit brought against it by Rothschild Patent Imaging, complete with an undertaking by the patent assertion entity that it will not sue GNOME for IP infringment again. In a so-called “walk away” settlement, Rothschild Patent Imaging

Linux desktop org GNOME Foundation settles lawsuit with patent troll Read More »

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Open for Good (OSS 2020)

OSS 2020 was a forum to discuss theories, practices, experiences, and tools on development and applications of OSS systems, with specific focus on two aspects:(a) the development of open source systems and the underlying technical, social, and economics issue(b) the adoption of OSS solutions and the implications of such adoption both in the public and

Open for Good (OSS 2020) Read More »

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Covid-19 and contact tracing — an open source approach is vital

Excerpt from the article: Matt Hancock has confirmed that a government contact tracing app will be trialled on the Isle of White from today. The app is designed to notify users that they have been in contact with actual or suspected cases of Covid-19, allowing them to follow enhanced social distancing and other appropriate actions

Covid-19 and contact tracing — an open source approach is vital Read More »

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Why Open Source Makes the UK Open for Business Post-Brexit

Politics and government can feel far removed from our day-to-day activities. But in recent times there has been a shift, particularly with the perceived need for governments to regulate the digital economy, whether that relates to our outputs and the right to create them or taxing the big technology companies to keep us safe. Government

Why Open Source Makes the UK Open for Business Post-Brexit Read More »